Women are known to don many hats – be it daughter, sister, wife, mother, corporate professional or a homemaker. They are good at multi-tasking everything not only today but for ages. Women have come a long way, thanks to the progressive mindset of the parents who are raising their daughters to be self-dependent. The majority…

Planning- Budgeting- Investing

Diwali- Festival of Lights. A festival where Hindus pray to Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha for wealth and fortune.The logic is Lord Ganesha is God of wisdom and Goddess Lakshmi is Goddess of wealth. To think of, What is money without the wisdom to use it properly? MONEY can be man’s best friend and…

Roadmap to being financially independent

India being the 2nd most populous country in the world with 136 crore people has the largest youth population according to the UN report i.e 35.6 Crores. So, in a developing country like India with immense competition all around, there comes a lot of pressure to evolve, excel and be successful. Every youth dreams of…