Women are known to don many hats – be it daughter, sister, wife, mother, corporate professional or a homemaker. They are good at multi-tasking everything not only today but for ages. Women have come a long way, thanks to the progressive mindset of the parents who are raising their daughters to be self-dependent. The majority of women today are smart, courageous and independent. Society has produced great examples of women role models be it, Mother Teresa, former PM Indira Gandhi, NASA astronaut Kalpana Chawla, Indira Nooyi who was the 1st CEO of the second-largest company in the world Pepsi co and former Miss world Priyanka Chopra the latest example and the list goes on.

Despite excelling in their respective fields, a lot of women are dependent on the men in their family to take any kind of financial decisions. According to DSP Winvestor Pulse 2019 Study, only 33% of women make their own investment decisions independently or with the support of family members as compared to 64% of menWHY SO?

Let’s delve upon the common reasons why women avoid or are hesitant to take investment decision:-

  • Lack of knowledge and confidence:- Financial jargon can be intimidating at times. Lack of knowledge or thinking it’s not my domain are primary reasons to avoid taking financial decisions. Only 11% of the women took independent investment decisions and 22% with the help of spouses and other family members. 67% of them did not invest at all according to DSP Winvestor Pulse 2019 Study

  • Risk-averse attitude :- Women tend to have lower risk appetite than their male counterparts. They often go into the dilemma that what if anything goes wrong. They are more conservative when it comes to financial decisions. They also tend to save in case there are emergencies. But remember, saving alone wont be able to fight inflation. Hence, investing is a MUST
  • Gender pay gap– Unfortunately in a lot of sectors, women have to face gender disparity. Be it motherhood penalty or sexism to be blamed, the reason could be anything. Their male colleagues tend to earn more than them. According to the Monster Salary Index (MSI) published in March 2019, women in the country earn 19% less than men. The survey revealed that the median gross hourly salary for men in India in 2018 was Rs 242.49, while Rs 196.3 for women, meaning men earned Rs 46.19 more than women. In unorganized sectors like agriculture, construction etc the figures are more skewed. Since they earn less, many a time women tend to procrastinate investment thinking they will start after reaching a certain level or after saving a certain amount.
  • Lack of time :- It sounds old fashioned but it’s still a reality worldwide, most women go back to doing their household chores, taking care of kids and family. As per Eurostat,93% of women took care of children on daily basis, compared to 69% of men The mental load is almost completely borne by the women. A surprise finding that came out DSP Winvestor Pulse 2019 Study was that even while single, women think of planning for a future child’s goals.
GoalsSingle menSingle women
Child’s education16%22%
Child’s marriage12%23%

After understanding the major reasons for not investing, let me enlighten you with some solid reasons WHY should women start investing:-

  •  Financial security: To cope up with unwarned emergencies and to avoid living at the mercy of others. It is necessary to start saving and invests. Nothing is guaranteed in life be it a job or marriage. Though a lot of women are earning today, they willingly let their spouses, brothers, fathers or sons take financial decisions for them. But its time to take charge of it in your own hands as not taking that control will hamper your life in future. Financial freedom as read in our last post gives u the freedom to follow your dreams. Hence, a mindful investment will make you financially independent.13% of women said that they were forced to make their own investment decisions due to their husband’s death or divorce as per DSP Winvestor Pulse 2019 Study.
  • Financial equality– In the face of issues like the gender pay gap, investing is one of the best ways to ensure they are accumulating as much wealth as men. It is the only way to break the sexist financial cycle.
  • To meet financial goals– With the rising cost of living every year, it is not possible to meet financial goals by savings alone. The investment will enable us to save sufficient to upgrade our lifestyle, buy a decent house and assist in meeting the family’s financial goals.

So, ladies stop thinking and start working towards your goals. Internet is a great tool of knowledge. Basic concepts of finance can be learnt over the internet. One can start investing on their own after some learning or with the help of financial planners. Also, remember our mothers and grandmothers have all managed to run their homes despite a tight budget for ages. So, its already ingrained in us. As said by Businessman Clement stone “Thinking will not outcome the fears but action will“. As there is no right time to start investing and the only right time is when you start earning. Start with small investments and gradually increase them. Also, remember the mantra EARN>SAVE>INVEST>SPEND. 

28 Comments Add yours

  1. Shweta sable says:

    Happy women’s day and cheers to being a women !!!! Absolute thumps up to the article mentioned


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Heyy thanks a lot.. 😊


  2. Neha Chhatre says:

    Very well written, happy women’s day!


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thank u… 🙂


  3. Trupti Kadam says:

    You have wonderful put forth the actual scenario of an Indian woman.


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Heyy thanks.. Yea.. It was quite relatable n common issues..


  4. Kashmira says:

    Great article ! Women inspiring women is what we need and your articles does that .


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thanks… 😃


  5. Ankita Agarwal says:

    Good article 👍🏼 worth reading…divya u r doing superb👏🏻. i hope to see more such article…waiting for the next one…😃


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thank you so much Ankita.. 😀


  6. Nishant Sanap says:

    Great article!
    “A woman’s best protection is a little money of her own,”
    You elaborated a great thought on how a woman should be financially independent these days & also her great ability to handle all kinds of roles & tasks in family & society.!


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thank you.. Absolutely


      1. divyakumar06 says:

        True… U r right


  7. Sandesh Prabhukhanolkar says:

    nice article. Keep it up


  8. Neha Bapna says:

    Great article… Thanks for giving voice to the women out there
    ..keep up the good work


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thanks 🙂


  9. Very well written Ill have to share this with everyone I know!


    1. divyakumar06 says:



      1. Vishnu Gavkare says:

        Nice one Divya👏🏻


      2. divyakumar06 says:



  10. Brandon B says:

    This is super interesting. I try to get my daughter into personal finance and post like this reminds me why it is so important to do that. She is young so she is not too interested in the deeper dive convos, but I already have her excited to save allowance and the interest rate she gets on that lol.


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thank you.. M glad u liked my work.. That’s encouraging..

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Sandesh Prabhukhanolkar says:

    nice blog keep it up


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Thanks sandesh


  12. Love seeing women talking about personal finance – too often we hide that aspect of our lives away, as if it’s shameful.


    1. divyakumar06 says:

      Very true.. Conditioning of women have been that way while they are raised.. But v must encourage them to take their own decision..

      Liked by 1 person

  13. alisha2710 says:

    Great article Divzz!!


  14. travliv360 says:

    Great article amazing content

    do visit https://www.travliv360.com/life/finance/ for more finance help


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